Our Story

The Lions’ Sanctuary is a haven for Christians or those who wish to discover more about it and are seeking a safe space to commune with like-minded individuals.

Once upon a time, I immigrated to Canada. I didn’t have mentors, a family, or guidance for many questions and most issues I faced. There were different organizations I could turn to – But there was always something missing.

I discovered that having a community that shared the same faith as I did was a major equation in discovering my life’s direction. A community is a place where you can meet people of similar aspirations, faith, and maybe even ideas. In many instances, when a person does not have this support system, they may not be able to develop the boldness they need to achieve some of their life’s goals.

This discovery made me realize that in addition to the right community, a good dose of boldness was required to navigate the jungle of life. Courage is necessary to make a way through the jungle. I could think of one symbol of courage in any jungle – The lion.

The Bible speaks of God as the Lion of Judah. and you guessed it – The Lions Sanctuary has its inspiration from the name.

To anyone who is looking for a dose of boldness to navigate through their goals and dreams: Remember that life is a jungle. Learn to rule it like a lion king.

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